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2024 BIT IMD Capstone Fair

2024 BIT IMD Capstone Fair

April 10th, 2024

The BIT Interactive Multimedia and Design 4th Year Capstone Fair is here! Join us Wednesday, April 10, from 1:00-5:00 PM at Azrieli Pavilion for a chance to connect with students, faculty, and professionals in the field and view and test our students' products. The exhibition is open to everyone!


The IMD Capstone Project is a year-long experiential learning course that allows BIT-IMD students to practice and demonstrate the skills and tools learned in the Bachelor of IT – Interactive Multimedia and Design program. This is a student-initiated digital media project, under the supervision of a project advisor, consisting of complete end-to-end production, from design to final product. Throughout the academic year, students brainstorm, propose, and execute projects that utilize their growing IMD skillset.

The Capstone Fair 2024 is your chance to connect with visionary students, professionals, and academics in the fields of Interactive Multimedia and Design. View and test their products, engage in thought-provoking discussions, exchange insights, and forge new collaborations. We encourage junior IMD students to attend the capstone fair.

Previous Capstones